Preparing your device
It takes time to download and install macOS, so make sure that you have a reliable Internet connection and your device is plugged in. In addition, please make sure you have at least 44GB of storage available. Shutting down your laptop or closing the lid during the install process could result in irrecoverable data loss. Please follow the directions.
Downloading macOS Sonoma
Open your launchpad and navigate to self-service. On the left hand side menu click OS Packages. Run the installer once you have verified the previous steps.
Installing macOS Sonoma
After clicking the install button you will be prompted to enter your credentials. Your screen should look similar to the screenshot below.
After your credentials are entered and verified, the installer will be downloaded. This can take up to 30 minutes depending on your connection speed.
Once the installer is successfully downloaded the installation process will begin. It is imperative that you do not interrupt the installation process or irrecoverable data loss could result.
When this process is complete your laptop will reboot and you will be prompted to login. The upgrade will have successfully completed.