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Home > Technology (General) > Setting up Multi-factor Authentication with Microsoft Authenticator App
Setting up Multi-factor Authentication with Microsoft Authenticator App
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Microsoft Authenticator App with Laptop Email

Please use these directions to sign into the email on your laptop using the Microsoft Authenticator App on a phone or iPad.


-On your laptop, sign into your school email in a web browser. 


-Click “Next” on the More information required screen.



-You will now see this screen.



-Download the Microsoft Authenticator App to your device from your app store . *Please make sure it is the correct app as there are a few similar ones in the App store!



-Open the app and click “Accept” next to the privacy statement.



-Click “Continue”.


-Scroll to the bottom of the screen on your device and click “Scan a QR code”. Click “Ok” to allow Authenticator to access the camera.



-On your laptop, click Next.



-Click “Next” again on your laptop.



-You will now see a QR code. Scan the code with your device.



-Click “Allow” on your device to send notifications.


-Click the PASD email account on your device. Click “Next” on the laptop browser window with the QR code. 



-Approve the sign in on your device. 



-Click “OK” to allow Face ID if desired.


Notification will now be approved on your laptop email. Click Next.



-Click Done on your browser.



-You will be taken back to the PASD email sign in page. You will now be able to access your email. 


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