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Home > Microsoft Teams > Creating Meeting from the Teams app
Creating Meeting from the Teams app
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Creating a Teams Meeting from within the Teams app allows you to create a Scheduled Meeting, Live Event, or a On-Demand Meeting.


No matter which typically of meeting you wish to create you will want to click on the Calendar tab.


Scheduled Meeting

  1. Click  + New Meeting  
  2. Set the Title, Add attendees, Set the Date and Time, Location, and other information.
  3. Click Save


On-Demand Meeting

  1. Click Meet Now
  2. In the window decide if you want Video ON/OFF and if you are Muted. Then click Join Now
  3. On the Right-side, in the People Pane, type in the name of each person you wish to invite. It will instantly "call them" to join the meeting.


Live Event

  1. Click the Down Arrow next to  + New Meeting   and choose Live Event
  2. Set the Title, Location, and Date and Time
  3. If other will be presenting with you, add them as Presenters by typing their name in the Invite Presenter box
  4. Click   Next  
  5. Set Permissions for the event and other options
  6. Click   Schedule  


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