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Home > Schoology for Parents > Parent Guide to Schoology
Parent Guide to Schoology
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Schoology at Palmyra 

What is Schoology?

Schoology is the Learning Management System (LMS) that PASD students in grades 6-12 use for their classes, allowing students to track, turn in, and complete their work. 


Benefits of Schoology

*Students will have individualized calendars with their coursework for all classes.  

*Many assignments, including tests and quizzes, can be completed and submitted right to Schoology.

*Hassle free catch-up, when students miss school.

*Course materials posted online allow for anytime, anywhere access on computers, tablets, and phones

*Students and parents can see course information and expectations for each class.


How can I access Schoology?

To access Schoology as a student or parent, go to or choose Schoology from Quick Links on the PASD homepage. Login with your student account (same as Google) or parent account. If you are creating a parent account for the first time, please follow the directions in Powerschool. 

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If you unable to login, please email the Tech Help desk.


After logging in, find the class you wish to view by choosing the class from the “Courses” drop down menu at the top. You may also look at a Group that you or your child has joined, such as Student Council or Sports teams.

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You will be brought to the main homepage of the course.

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The homepage in Schoology, or the Materials page, will show you the following:

-Calendar- see upcoming assignments. Click on each assignment to find details:

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The calendar can also be viewed as a traditional calendar by clicking on the date:

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-The Updates tab serves as a live feed (similar to Facebook or Twitter) for class announcements:

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-The Materials tab will bring you to your course materials, typically organized in folders. Click on the folders and then individual items to view the content.

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-Assignments and assessments- click on on assignment or assessment to access it. Parents can see the grades for completed assignments that your child has taken in Schoology but you will not be able to view the actual assessment. Not all assignments will be found in Schoology and Powerschool is still the ideal place to check grades.


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